

Sananga, also known as Becchete are powerful eyedrops derived from the shrub Tabernaemontana undulata. Tribes have said that when applied directly to the eyes, it has the effects of adding greater dimension and texture to the environment, making it easier to spot animals during hunting. The effects of Sananga can last up to several days to weeks. Not only is Sananga attributed to enhancing ones vision, but it has also been known to increase energy and provide pain relief.

Sananga can be quite challenging as it creates a powerful burning sensation due to the fact that it is extracted with Amazonian river water that is high in tannic acid.

This is an optional offering before Kambo, as it helps one “out of their head” and into their body. When able to breathe into the process, Sananga can be quite effective in calming nerves and putting one in a peaceful meditative state.



Kambo is derived from the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog frog, which is found in the Amazon Basin and other surrounding areas. Traditional uses of Kambo include an increase of strength and stamina, and dispersing panema (negative energy). In the Amazon, Kambo is often used as a hunting aid.

The benefits of Kambo are due to the various different neuro and bioactive peptides, which have been known to have a wide range of healing benefits on the body and mind.

If this is your first session, we will begin by burning 3-5 blister points. We will apply a single test point which is monitored for about 5 minutes, then depending on your reaction and tolerance to Kambo we may add more.

Although the effects of Kambo typically last approximately 20 minutes, please give yourself at least 3 hours for preparation, information, processing and rest.


Rapé (ha-peh)

Rapé is a sacred shamanic snuff that has been used by the tribes of the Amazon for hundreds and maybe thousands of years and is an essential part of their culture and history. Rapé is blown into the nostrils with a blowpipe called a '“tepi”.

There are many different types of rapé prepared by different tribes. The ashes are derived from Tobacco and the bark of a variety of different medicinal or sacred trees, which are ground into a fine powder.

The purpose of rapé varies a bit between tribes but it is often used for ceremonial, medicinal or recreational purposes. Rapé can elicit mind altering and grounding effects.

A mild blend of rapé is an optional offering after Kambo to ground and close the ceremony.