Hannah Cokeley

FOUNDER of Kambo Metamorphosis

I grew up the mountains of Northern California where I developed a deep love of the plant and animal kingdom.

By a young age, I had contracted several parasites and struggled with my health for decades. I tried what felt like everything to improve my health; various remedies, which would sometimes work for short periods, but after a few months the cycle would continue and some of the prescribed methods only made things worse. After moving to a small mountain town in Montana, a friend told me about a woman she knew who had struggled with parasites and received great healing from Kambo. I began doing some research and soon became overtaken with the idea of integrating Kambo into my life. Thankfully everything aligned and it wasn’t long before a mutual friend introduced me to an incredible practitioner (Jason Fellows - Founder of Tribal Detox) who was willing to fly out to serve me.

What happened in that three day ceremony was nothing short of a miracle. Not only did my body feel better than I could ever recall in my lifetime, but I transmuted and released wounds that had been there for generations. Kambo has helped me surrender, let go, accept, transform and rise. Kambo broke my heart open and set me free.

After a few years of integrating Kambo into my life, I took the opportunity to study under Tribal Detox, who’s main focus is on the safety and science behind Kambo. Jason (founder of Tribal Detox) was the guy who held my first ceremony. I later went on to study under Medicine Frog Kambo Lyme and Autoimmune specialty Training, lead by Caitlin Thompson; a neurobiologist and independent scientific researcher who is a pioneer in human Kambo research.

I feel incredibly humbled and grateful to have the opportunity to work with is amazing modality, so that it may reach more of those who feel the calling and touch their life as deeply and beautifully as it has touched mine.


My mission is to empower individuals by providing safe, personalized Kambo experiences and to offer scientifically-accurate Kambo related information.

The best way out is always through
— Robert Frost

My mission is to empower individuals by providing safe, personalized Kambo experiences and to offer scientifically-accurate Kambo related information.

Training and Certifications

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In 2019 Hannah received her Kambo Practitioner Certification through Tribal Detox which focuses on the science and safety behind Kambo.

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Tribal Detox

Kambo Practitioner Certification

Hannah underwent the Tribal Detox Kambo Practitioner Training Course in December, 2019.


Medicine Frog Kambo

Lyme & Autoimmune Specialty Training

Medicine Frog Kambo founder, Caitlin Thompson is at the forefront of scientific research on Kambo.

Hannah completed the Lyme and Autoimmune Specialty Training in September, 2022.

Are you a Kambo practitioner looking to expand your skill set? Become A Kambo Lyme And Autoimmune Specialist


CPR, First Aid & AED Certification

Hannah completed a course in “Adult-Child-Infant CPR/AED Standard First Aid” on 3/24/2022 through the American Health Association.

 “Here and now

Before Earth and Sky

We stand

We feel the blessing of your infinite love

In our bones

In our blood

In our breath

In our hearts

We open our eyes

To see beyond what we have seen before

We open our ears

To hear what we could not hear before

Beyond limitation

Beyond the beyond

We feel a new story emerging from cells

And rippling out into our lucid bodies

As waves of love remind us of who we really are

Dissolve us into what we have always meant to be

And the layers between us

and who we are meant to be, fade away

And suddenly we realize

We are all that we dreamed we could be

'To see without eyes

To walk without feet

And to fly without wings’

This is my prayer for you.”

-Mother of Souls
